一、项目名称:年产100亿AH纳米超级电容电池动力源项目 I. Project Name: Project for power source of annual production of 10 billion AH nano super capacitor batteries 二、项目概况 II. Project profile 纳米超级电容具有充放电速度快、对环境无污染、循环寿命长等优点,是新型的绿色能源。用纳米超级电容电池做动力滞的纯电动汽车,只需充电几分钟便能连续行驶儿百公里,最高时速可达180公里,具有巨大的市场前景和良好的社会效益。 Nanosuper capacitor batteries have the advantages of high charging and discharging speed, no pollution to the environment, long cycle life, etc., as a kind of new green energy. Pure electric vehicles using nanosuper capacitor batteries as power can travel for hundreds of kilometers after recharge in a few minutes, with a top speed of 180 kilometers per hour, so nano super capacitor batteries have great market prospects and good social benefits. 项目规划占地1000亩,已经占地200亩。一期投资31.9亿元,目前已投资4.2亿元,建成22000㎡生产车间和一条3000万AH纳米超级电容电池全自动化生产线,生产设备已安装调试完毕。工商、立项、环评手续均已办理完毕,部分土地手续已办理完毕;产品商标已注册;产品生产标准已经质监部门备案。 The project covers an area of